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[DEF_META_TITLE] => TROY LEE DESIGNS PEST | BMX, MTB, Troy Lee Designs, Respro kerékpár kereskedés Pesten a Weselényi utcában.
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[DEF_META_DESC] => TROY LEE DESIGNS HOME | Velvárt BMX, Troy Lee Designs, Respro kerékpár kereskedés Budapesten a Wesselényi utcában.
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[article_name] => GP Cyclops nadrág - 36
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[28] => A TLD legsokoldal�bb nadr�gja, legyen sz� motocrossr�l, BMX-r�l vagy MTB-r�l a szupertart�s GP nadr�g a k�nyelem mellett a teljesk�r� mozg�si szabads�got biztos�tja.
-�j, tov�bbfejlesztett v�ltozat
-Maxim�lis szell�z�s �s tart�ss�g
-T�p�z�ras oldals� heveder rendszer seg�t be�ll�tani a der�kb�s�get
-Marhab�r t�rdbet�t a maxim�lis tart�ss�g�rt �s tapad�s�rt, tov�bb� a h�hat�s elleni v�delem �rdek�ben
-Rugalmas kialak�t�s a t�rd, l�gy�k �s h�ts� r�szeken
s�rga/lila sz�nben.
[article_desc] => A TLD legsokoldal�bb nadr�gja, legyen sz� motocrossr�l, BMX-r�l vagy MTB-r�l a szupertart�s GP nadr�g a k�nyelem mellett a teljesk�r� mozg�si szabads�got biztos�tja.
-�j, tov�bbfejlesztett v�ltozat
-Maxim�lis szell�z�s �s tart�ss�g
-T�p�z�ras oldals� heveder rendszer seg�t be�ll�tani a der�kb�s�get
-Marhab�r t�rdbet�t a maxim�lis tart�ss�g�rt �s tapad�s�rt, tov�bb� a h�hat�s elleni v�delem �rdek�ben
-Rugalmas kialak�t�s a t�rd, l�gy�k �s h�ts� r�szeken
s�rga/lila sz�nben.
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[32] => The most versatile pant in our entire lineup. Whether it be motocross, BMX or mountain bike racing, the super-durable and dynamic GP Pant works with the human body to emphasize comfort while maximizing a full range of motion. All in one, and everything you need when the time comes to twist the throttle or push the pedals.
•New and improved construction with an athletic fit.
•Combination 500 denier polyester mesh / 600 denier polyester for maximum ventilation with durability.
•Velcro side cinch strap system can be adjustable within 2" of tolerance on waist size.
•Cowhide leather in knee for maximum durability, added grip and heat protection.
•2-way spandex in the knee, calf, crotch and rear yoke provide added flexibility.
•YKK brand zipper.
-Yellow/purple color
[article_desc_eng] => The most versatile pant in our entire lineup. Whether it be motocross, BMX or mountain bike racing, the super-durable and dynamic GP Pant works with the human body to emphasize comfort while maximizing a full range of motion. All in one, and everything you need when the time comes to twist the throttle or push the pedals.
•New and improved construction with an athletic fit.
•Combination 500 denier polyester mesh / 600 denier polyester for maximum ventilation with durability.
•Velcro side cinch strap system can be adjustable within 2" of tolerance on waist size.
•Cowhide leather in knee for maximum durability, added grip and heat protection.
•2-way spandex in the knee, calf, crotch and rear yoke provide added flexibility.
•YKK brand zipper.
-Yellow/purple color
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[META_TITLE] => GP Cyclops nadrág - 36 Technikai nadrágok Troy Lee Design technikai ruházat
[META_KEYS] => GP,Cyclops,nadrág,-,36,velvart, kerékpár, kereskedés, mtb, bmx, mountainbike, respro, troy lee designs, kerékpár alklatrészek, bicikli, webshop
[META_DESC] => GP Cyclops nadrág - 36 A TLD legsokoldal�bb nadr�gja, legyen sz� motocrossr�l, BMX-r�l vagy MTB-r�l a szupertart�s GP nadr�g a k�nyelem mellett a teljesk�r� mozg�si szabads�got biztos�tja. -�j, tov�bbfejlesztett v�ltozat -Maxim�lis szell�z�s �s tart�ss�g -T�p�z�ras oldals� heveder rendszer seg�t be�ll�tani a der�kb�s�get -Marhab�r t�rdbet�t a maxim�lis tart�ss�g�rt �s tapad�s�rt, tov�bb� a h�hat�s elleni v�delem �rdek�ben -Rugalmas kialak�t�s a t�rd, l�gy�k �s h�ts� r�szeken s�rga/lila sz�nben.
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